adam noshimuri saison 8
(“E ho’oko kuleana” is Hawaiian for “To Do One’s Duty”). Hawaii Five-0: Die Serienfiguren der amerikanischen Krimiserie und ihre Darsteller. Zu...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2018 CBSCatherine Rollins (Michelle Borth) rekrutiert McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) und Jerry (Jorge Garcia), um ihr zu helfen, eine Uranlagerstätte aufzuspüren, die auf einer verlassenen hawaiianischen Insel versteckt sein soll, bevor ein mutmaßlicher Terrorist damit schmutzige Bomben bauen kann. Bevor die Trauung jedoch vollzogen werden kann, muss sich Five-0 noch einer geklauten Atomrakete widmen. Loading... Close. Gerard Hirsch (Willie Garson) und Kamekona (Taylor Wily) helfen Grover (Chi McBride) und Tani (Meaghan Rath) bei einem Mordfall, bei dem es um Meisterwerke geht, die von Nazis während des Zweiten...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2018 CBSMcGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) und Five-0 entdecken einen russischen Spionagering, der in Oahu sich mehr oder weniger unter ihrer Nase jahrelang operiert. August 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 17 (Hawaii Five-0 8x17), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 9. Set mid season 1. Also, Grover, Tani and Junior work a 25-year-old murder case after a mysterious Betamax tape arrives at 5-0 headquarters. Die Serie ist ein Remake der von 1968 bis 1980 ausgestrahlten Serie Hawaii Fünf-Null über eine Spezialeinheit der Polizei, die das organisierte Verbrechen auf Hawaii bekämpft. Adam (Ian Anthony Dale) bangt derweil um sein Leben, als er gefangen genommen wird und er sehr viel Geld besorgen muss, um sein Leben zu retten.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2018 CBSAdams Mission gegen das organisierte Verbrechen auf der Insel geht schief, als das tödliche Chlorgas, das er eingesetzt hatte, um einen dicken Fisch zu ködern, in die falschen Hände gerät.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2018 CBSDie Ex-Frau des Mannes, der Danno (Scott Caan) erschossen hat, kommt nach Oahu und blick zurück auf eine Zeit, als er noch in New Jersey als uniformierter Polizist arbeitete. HARRY LANGFORD ENLISTS MCGARRETT AND DANNY’S HELP TO TRACK DOWN A TEENAGE BRITISH ROYAL WHO HAS RUN AWAY WHILE UNDER HIS PROTECTION. (“Holapu ke ahi, koe iho ka lehu” is Hawaiian for “The Fire Blazed Up, Then Only Ashes Were Left”). Pictured left to right: Beulah Koale as Junior Reigns and Meaghan Rath as Tani Rey. Grover (Chi McBride ) wird zu einem Mann gerufen, dessen Todesstrafe bald vollstreckt werden soll. Oktober 2017 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 12. When a man accused of killing his wife threatens to commit suicide, Grover reveals how he too was once on the brink of taking his own life. April 2018 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 3. Duke Lukela. August 2017 gegen die MT Melsungen. Air Date: Friday, May 4 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Air Date: Friday, Jan. 19 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Oktober 2018 (, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 15. Einer von ihnen wird sogar ermordet, was McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) dazu zwingt, die Hilfe des Hackers Aaron Wright (Joey Lawrence) zu ersuchen, den er kurz zuvor noch ins Gefängnis gebracht hat.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2017 CBSAn Halloween ermittelt das Five-0-Team bei einer Mordserie, die bekannten hawaiianischen Geschichten ähnelt. August 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 16 (Hawaii Five-0 8x16), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 2. Außerdem will er ihm verraten, wo er seine Opfer begraben hat. When Adam's girlfriend, Tamiko is kidnapped right in front of him, he shuts out Five-O and breaks all the rules in order to get her back. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Oct 31, 2019 - This category lists images featuring Adam Noshimuri Disclaimer Währenddessen befreit ein diabolischer Hacker (Joey Lawrence) einen gefährlichen Brandstifter aus dem Gefängnis.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2017 CBSMcGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) und Five-0 arbeiten mit einem verletzten Polizeihund, dem einzigen Zeugen einer überfallenen Drogenrazzia. Air Date: Friday, Dec. 15 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Also, Adam recruits a new confidential informant, Jessie Nomura (Christine Ko); Tani gets a devastating call; and McGarrett tasks Pua to find his and Danny’s stolen tools. Februar 2018 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 22. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) wird dabei von einem Stress Manager begleitet, den die anderen engagiert haben um seine Gesundheit im Blick zu haben.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2017 CBSJunior (Beulah Koale) und Adam (Ian Anthony Dale) unterstützen McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) als ein Bankraub Steve dazu zwingt, einen Fehler zu machen. Bildir. Der Schauspieler Ian Anthony Dale spielte die Rolle von Adam Noshimuri in … ‚Five-0‘ … Air Date: Friday, Oct. 6 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. November 2018, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 5. Hawaii Five-0: Ganze Folgen, Vorschau-Clips und Backstage-Videos zur amerikanischen Krimiserie. Tam ekran izle. When McGarrett later rescues him, Joe reveals he actually faked Hiro's death, but would not say why. The following contains spoilers from the Dec. 6 episode of CBS’ Hawaii Five-0. Air Date: Friday, March 2 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Photo: Screen Grab/CBS é2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved, MCGARRETT POSES AS A PILOT TO INVESTIGATE THE CAUSE OF A PLANE CRASH THAT LED TO THE DEATH OF A PILOT IN AN AIR RACE. Oktober 2018, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 1. Watch Queue Queue. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Oktober 2018, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 18. Honolulu - Paukenschlag bei der TV-Serie Hawaii-Five-0: Grace Park (Kono Kalakaua, 43) und Daniel Dae Kim (Chin Ho Kelly, 48) sind völlig überraschend raus, Malia stirbt an ihrer Schussverletzung, Kono wird von Adam Noshimuri vor dem Ertrinken gerettet. MCGARRETT ROUNDS UP EVERY GANG-RELATED CRIMINAL ON THE ISLAND. Skip navigation Sign in. Air Date: Friday, Dec. 15 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Februar 2019 (, Premiere in Österreich: Dienstag 5. When an FBI agent who was cracking down on organized crime is killed, McGarrett rounds up every gang-related criminal on the island to find the culprit. McGarrett gets angry at this, knowing that he went through torture by Wo Fat. Hawaii Five-0 ist eine US-amerikanische Krimiserie, die zwischen 2010 und 2020 von CBS Corporation für den US-Sender CBS produziert wurde. The lives of Five-0’s informants are in danger when the HPD system is hacked and one ends up dead, forcing McGarrett to enlist the help of hacker Aaron Wright (Joey Lawrence), who he just imprisoned. Search. Air Date: Friday, Oct. 13 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Email and … Dezember 2018 (, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 3. Außerdem trifft Jessie(Christine Ko) eine äußerst gefährliche Entscheidung, die Adams Leben ruinieren könnte. The eighth season of the Syfy reality television series Face Off premieres on January 13, 2015. “Mà Âhala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua” Pictured: Alex O’Loughlin as Steve McGarrett. He has been married to Nicole Garippo since October Ein Mädchen aus einer Privatschule wird entführt. Februar 2018, Premiere in den USA: Freitag 13. A HITMAN MCGARRETT’S FATHER FAILED TO ARREST COMES TO MCGARRETT TO FINALLY CONFESS HIS CRIMES AND ADMIT WHERE HE BURIED HIS VICTIMS, Guest Stars Include Frankie Faison and Mixed Martial Arts Fighter Max Holloway. McGarrett and Danny investigate the murder of a private detective whose client was killed the same way, and Adam sends Jessie (Christine Ko) into a dangerous situation with disastrous consequences. View the profiles of people named Adam Noshimuri. (“I ka wa ma mua, I ka wa ma hope” is Hawaiian for “The Future is in the Past”). FIVE-0 MUST HELP DUKE AFTER HE IS FORCED TO STEAL CRUCIAL EVIDENCE FROM THE POLICE LOCKER IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS KIDNAPPED GRANDDAUGHTER. Oktober 2017 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 26. Mit Beginn der achten Staffel sind Ian Anthony Dale, Taylor Wily, Kimee Balmilero und Dennis Chun zum Hauptcast befördert worden. He is an actor and director, known for The Hangover (2009), Hawaii Five-0 (2010) and Salvation (2017). Oktober 2017 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 19. McGarrett and Five-0 work with an injured police dog who is the only witness to an ambushed drug bust. Photos: “‘A’ole e ‘ōlelo mai ana ke ahi ua ana ia”. Außerdem werden Tani (Meaghan Rath) und Junior (Beulah Koale) als uniformierte Offiziere für...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2018 CBSLeroy Davis (Frankie Faison), ein Auftragskiller, den McGarretts Vater nicht fassen konnte, kommt reumütig zu McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin, um endlich seine Verbrechen zu gestehen. Dieser schreckt derweil vor nichts zurück, um an seine letzte Lieferung zu gelangen. Photos: “Mōhala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua”, AT HALLOWEEN, FIVE-0 MUST INVESTIGATE A STRING OF MURDERS THAT MIRROR STORIES FROM WELL-KNOWN HAWAIIAN FOLKLORE. August 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 19 (Hawaii Five-0 8x19), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 6. She was the main antagonist of Season 8 and was nicknamed "The Ghost". This season has a theme of 'Return of the Champions'. Daha fazla videoya gözat. Photos: “Kāu pahi, ko’u kua. Sonraki oynatılıyor . Die Sache fliegt auf, als ein russisches Atom-U-Boot an der Küste von Waikiki erscheint. Juli 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 14 (Hawaii Five-0 8x14), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 19. Also, Adam is forced to face an empty home without Kono. Adam ist der Ehemann von Kono Kalakaua, einem ehemaligen Mitglied der Task Force. Also, Tani and Junior are assigned to walk the beat as uniformed officers for the day, and Adam is framed for the murder of the crime boss he has been tracking. The season premiere includes animation of one of McGarrett and Danny’s infamous “car-guements.” Also, Randy Couture returns, and Joey Lawrence joins his brother, Andrew, when he guest stars as Aaron Wright, a hacker. HAWAII FIVE-0 Season 8 Episode 17 Photos Adam’s mission to take down organized crime on the Island goes sideways when deadly chlorine gas he was using to bait a big fish falls into the wrong hands. März 2018, Premiere in der Schweiz: Dienstag 27. Photo credit: Screengrab/é2018 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Photos: “O na hoku o ka lani wale no kai ‘ike i kahi o Pae”. 3 yıl önce | 75K görüntülenme. Dezember 2017 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 26. Also, McGarrett tasks Adam with forming a new division within Five-0 to take on organized crime. “E uhi wale no ‘a’ole e nalo, he imu puhi” is Hawaiian for “No Matter How Much One Covers a Steaming Imu, The Smoke Will Rise.”. (“O ka mea ua hala, ua hala ia.” is Hawaiian for “What is Gone is Gone.”). “Kāu pahi, ko’u kua. (“Mōhala i ka wai ka maka o ka pua” is Hawaiian for “Unfolded by the Water are the Faces of the Flowers”. Zum Austausch erhält er seine entführte Enkelin zurück. The season features 15 prosthetic-makeup artists competing against each other to create makeup effects. In the season 9 episode, "A'ohe Mea 'Imi A Ka Maka", Tani tests the gun's ballistics and confirm it was the murder weapon. (“Nā lā ‘īlio” is Hawaiian for “Dog Days”). She eventually comes to her senses by the end of the episode and her work starts in the next one. Episode 8×11 “‘Oni kalalea ke ku a ka la’au loa”, ScreenSpy uses cookies to improve your experience. MCGARRETT JOINS JUNIOR AND HIS SEAL TEAM ON A HIGH RISK COVERT MISSION TO CAPTURE AN ELUSIVE TARGET WHO IS HOLDING HIS MENTOR, JOE WHITE, HOSTAGE, Terry O’Quinn Returns as Joe White and Willie Garson Returns as Gerard Hirsch, Series Star Alex O’Loughlin Has the ‘Story By’ Credit for the Episode. In the season 9 episode, "A'ohe Mea 'Imi A Ka Maka", Tani tests the gun's ballistics and confirm it was the murder weapon. Air Date: Friday, March 9 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Februar 2018, Premiere in der Schweiz: Dienstag 6. Air Date: Friday, Jan. 12 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. In "Aia I Hi'Ikua; I Hi'Ialo", Adam returns home, depressed by his break-up with Kono. Want more scoop on H50 , or for any other show? Pictured: Alex O’Loughlin as Steve McGarrett. With Alex O'Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park. Meanwhile, Joe returns from Japan again and is later kidnapped by Adam Noshimuri (Ian Anthony Dale), Hiro's son, who believes he murdered him. Real-life military veterans Jason Redman, Steven Jackel, Kathryn Taylor-Smith and J. Eddie Martinez guest star as veterans who help McGarrett with the case. Adam (Ian Anthony Dale) rekrutiert unterdessen eine neue Informantin, Tani (Meaghan Rath) erhält einen beunruhigenden Anruf und McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin)...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2018 CBSMcGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) und Danny (Scott Caan) ermitteln im Fall des Mordes eines Privatdetektivs, dessen Klient auf gleiche Weise getötet wurde. Außerdem geht es für Jerry (Jorge Garcia) undercover in eine psychiatrische Einrichtung, um einen Mord aufzuklären.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2018 CBSMcGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) und Five-0 nehmen es mit der Mafia auf, als ein ehemaliger Boss umgebracht wird. Pictured left to right: Chi McBride as Lou Grover and Devon Sawa as Brad Woodward. April 2018 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 26. Video of [Adam Noshimuri] • When I'm feeling all alone, you're with me ... [Kono, Steve, HaWaII 5-0] for fans of Hawaii Five-0 (2010). In the season 3 finale, he had committed manslaughter again until he was killed by his own brother. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Also, Adam’s life is on the line when he is held captive and forced to produce a hidden massive amount of money. Sie demonstriert wie wirkungsvoll Dannys Einsatz während des gefährlichen häuslichen Streits war. (“Waiho Wale Kahiko” is Hawaiian for “Ancients Exposed”). Dezember 2018 (, Premiere in Österreich: Montag 17. Pictured: Alex O’loughlin as Steve McGarrett. Also, Jerry goes undercover at a mental health facility in order to solve a murder. Photo credit: Karen Neal/CBS Broadcasting, Inc. 8,27 Mio. McGarrett and Five-0 take on the mob when a former boss is killed and Junior’s friend Cammy Lin (Cindy Chu) is on the run after witnessing the hit. September 2017 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 5. (“He Kaha Lu’u Ke Ala, Mai Ho’okolo Aku” is Hawaiian for “The Trail Leads to a Diving Place; Do Not Follow After”). McGarrett bekommt außerdem Besuch von Junior Reigns (Beulah Koale), einem ehemaligen SEAL, der der Taskforce beitreten möchte.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2017 CBSDas Team benötigt die Hilfe von einer alten Bekanntin, als das Oberhaupt einer bekannten Gangsterfamilie tot aufgefunden wird, was in der Folge mehrere Rachemorde auslöst, die über gesamte Insel verteilt stattfinden. Also, Gerard Hirsch (Willie Garson) and Kamekona help Grover and Tani on a murder case involving masterpieces stolen by the Nazis during WWII and Tani makes a shocking discovery. April 2018 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 19. Also, Five-O investigates three seemingly unconnected homicides. Mittwoch 19:00 - 20:30, Muri Bachmatten Oktober 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 24 (Hawaii Five-0 8x24), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 11. Mit dem Weggang von Chin Ho und Kono ist das Team von Five-0 unterbesetzt und so haben Steve und Danny ein Auge auf Tani Rey (Meaghan Rath) geworfen, die sie bald zur Mitarbeit verpflichten können. MU17 SG Muri/Mutschellen/Wohlen - Promotion. Oktober 2018 (, Premiere in Österreich: Montag 29. November 2018 (, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 22. Januar 2019, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 10. Februar 2019 (. (“He lokomaika’i ka manu o Kaiona” is Hawaiian for “Kind is the Bird of Kaiona”). MCGARRETT AND FIVE-0 TAKE ON THE MOB WHEN A FORMER BOSS IS KILLED AND JUNIOR’S FRIEND IS ON THE RUN AFTER WITNESSING THE HIT, Will Sasso Guest Stars as Eddie’s Veterinarian. und Was ist ein Episodenguide? Kayıt ol. Kāu pū, ko’u po’o”, Pictured left to right: Chi McBride as Lou Grover, Meaghan Rath as Tani Rey, Scott Caan as Danny “Danno” Williams, Alex O’Loughlin as Steve McGarrett, and Dennis Chun as Sgt. Oct 31, 2019 - This category lists images featuring Adam Noshimuri Disclaimer 1 Gallery 2 Promotional Images 3 Season 2 4 Season 3 5 Season 4 6 Season 5 7 Season 6 8 Season 7 9 Season 8 10 Season 9 Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a … Hawaii Five-0 kicks off Season 8 on Friday, Sept. 29 at 8/7c. September 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 20 (Hawaii Five-0 8x20), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 13. Die Hochzeit von Kono und Adam steht an. McGarrett joins Junior and his SEAL Team on a high risk covert mission to capture an elusive target who is holding his mentor, Joe White (Terry O’Quinn), hostage. Staffel von H50 für Dich zusammen. Email and … Gleichzeitig machen sich MacGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) und Danny (Scott Caan) erste Gedanken über ihr geplantes Restaurant.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, © 2017 CBSAls das HPD-System gehackt wird, geraten die Informanten von Five-0 in Gefahr. Also, MacGarrett and Danny begin sorting out particulars in their new restaurant venture, on HAWAII FIVE-0, (“Kāu pahi, ko’u kua. The ex-wife of the man who shot Danny comes to Oahu and reveals how Danny’s protection during a dangerous domestic dispute when he was in New Jersey helped save her life. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Air Date: Friday, April 13 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Rated: T - English - Family/Crime - Chapters: 8 - Words: 26,394 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 12h - Published: 11/21 - Steve M., Danny W., Chin Ho K., Kono K. I need you by Blossomangel85 reviews. November 2018 (, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 29. Auto Typer, Title Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. McGarrett helps Doris on a dangerous mission to retrieve stolen microfilm, and Kono is shot while investigating a lead about Yakuza secret burial site that may be connected to her boyfriend. (“Ka lala kaukonakona haki ‘ole I ka pa a ka makani Kona.” is Hawaiian for “The Tough Branch that Does Not Break in the Kona Gale.”). Photo: Best Screen Grab Available/CBS. MCGARRETT AND DANNY INVESTIGATE THE MURDER OF A PRIVATE EYE, Vincent Pastore Guest Stars as Danny’s Uncle Vito. adam noshimuri trennung. September 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 21 (Hawaii Five-0 8x21), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 20. Was bedeutet eigentlich „TBA“ in der Anzeige bei Episodenführern? When Danny is shot while quarantined in the hospital with McGarrett, Tani and Junior, he’s left unconscious and clinging to life, imagining a future for everyone in Five-0. März 2018, Premiere in den USA: Freitag 1. CBS renewed the series for a 23 episode eighth season on March 23, 2017. (“Kopi wale no i ka i’a a ‘eu no ka ilo.” is Hawaiian for “Though the Fish is Well Salted, the Maggots Crawl.”). Oturum açın. By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our, “O na hoku o ka lani wale no kai ‘ike i kahi o Pae”, “E uhi wale no ‘a’ole e nalo, he imu puhi”, “‘A’ole e ‘ōlelo mai ana ke ahi ua ana ia”, CBS 2020 Mid-Season Schedule: All New and Returning Shows, SEAL TEAM, SWAT and BULL Among Latest Renewals By CBS, HAWAII FIVE-0 Episode 9×10 “When the Light Goes Out the House is Dark” Photos, HAWAII FIVE-0 9×09 “Truth comes From the Night” Photos, 9-1-1 LONE STAR 2×01 “Back in the Saddle” Photos, THE RESIDENT 4×02 “Mina’s Kangaroo Court” Photos, PRODIGAL SON 2×02 “Speak of the Devil” Photos, PRODIGAL SON 2×01 “It’s All in the Execution” Photos, The Mandalorian Review: Chapter 16 “The Rescue”, The Mandalorian Review: Chapter 15 “The Believer”, A MILLION LITTLE THINGS 3×04 “The Talk” Photos. März 2018, Premiere in der Schweiz: Dienstag 20. Oktober 2018, Staffel 8 Episode 25 (Hawaii Five-0 8x25), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 18. Oktober 2018 (, Premiere in Österreich: Montag 22. (“‘Oni kalalea ke ku a ka la’au loa” is Hawaiian for “A Tall Tree Stands Above the Others”). Staffel von H50 für Dich zusammen. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. MCGARRETT AND DANNY RECRUIT TANI REY TO JOIN THE TASK FORCE WHEN A DIABOLICAL HACKER RELEASES A DANGEROUS ARSONIST FROM PRISON, ON THE EIGHTH SEASON PREMIERE OF HAWAII FIVE-0, Meaghan Rath Joins the Cast as Tani Rey, the Newest Member of Five-0, Season Premiere Includes Animation of a McGarrett and Danno “Car-guement”, Joey Lawrence Joins His Brother, Andrew, When He Guest Stars as a Diabolical Hacker. *NEW* Peely! Als Adam jedoch am Ende der 22. The most watched episode of the season, was the series finale, "Aloha", with 9.59 million viewers. Air Date: Friday, Dec. 8 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Ab der Saison 2013/14 wurde er beim BSV auch in der Nationalliga A der Swiss Handball League eingesetzt. Air Date: Friday, Dec. 1 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. März 2018, Premiere in den USA: Freitag 8. Photo: Norman Shapiro/CBS, WHEN INVESTIGATING A DESERTED YACHT ADRIFT AT SEA, MCGARRETT, DANNY, TANI AND JUNIOR ARE EXPOSED TO A DEADLY BIOWEAPON. Januar 2018 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 8. April 2018 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Montag 10. Genau wie den ehemalige Navy SEAL Junior Reigns (Beulah Koale). adam noshimuri trennung. The second-most-watched was the penultimate episode, "A ʻohe ia e loaʻa aku, he ulua kapapa no ka moana", with 8.44 million viewers. Photo: Karen Neal/CBS, CATHERINE ROLLINS RECRUITS MCGARRETT AND JERRY TO SEARCH FOR A URANIUM DEPOSIT BEFORE A SUSPECTED TERRORIST CAN USE IT TO MAKE DIRTY BOMBS, Michelle Borth Returns as Catherine Rollins. A hitman, Leroy Davis (Frankie Faison), McGarrett’s father failed to arrest comes to McGarrett to finally confess his crimes and admit where he buried his victims. November 2018 (, Premiere in der Schweiz: Mittwoch 12. Photo: Norman Shapiro/CBS, JUNIOR AND ADAM BACK UP MCGARRETT WHEN A BANK HEIST IN PROGRESS FORCES STEVE TO MAKE A POTENTIALLY HEARTBREAKING MISTAKE. When the corpse of a diamond smuggler is stolen from a graveyard, Five-0 tracks down his partner, Voss (guest star “American Idol” winner Phillip Phillips), who will stop at nothing to retrieve their latest batch of contraband.
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